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Txt Services work by monitoring one or more shortcodes for incoming messages. If a received message begins with a word matching one of the keywords defined for a Txt Service then it is handled by that Txt Service.

Keywords are not case sensitive - Jump, JUMP and jUMp will all match the same keyword.

A Txt Service can have multiple keywords defined in the management console. There are several reasons why you may want to do this:

  • Media specifying different keywords for use in different channels. This way you can accurately measure the effectiveness of different channels by reporting on keywords. For example, in a radio ad you may advertise the keyword SNACK and in a newspaper ad advertise the keyword MUNCH.
  • Creative specifying different keywords for different creative advertisements. Similar to media, you can determine which creative advertising gets the best responses.
  • Offers specifying different keywords for different offers. Using Response Action conditions you can execute different actions depending on the keyword that is received. For example, you may advertise two key words, DISCOUNT and BONUS. The first may email a 25% discount voucher to the contact and the second may post a voucher for a bonus product to the contact.
  • Polls / Voting specifying different keywords to allow Contacts to vote for their preferred option. By reporting on keywords you can view the results of a poll. For example, you could configure a Txt Service with the keywords RED, BROWN and BLUE. Contacts can then vote for the colour of their choice.
  • Spelling specifying multiple keywords to cover commonly misspelled words. In general, it is best to avoid commonly misspelled words altogether, however if you do wish to use such a word it may be a good idea to add additional keywords covering the misspelling. For example, you could define a Txt Service with the keyword RECEIVE and add the misspelling RECIEVE as a backup.

A keyword specifies both the keyword itself and the shortcode that it is registered against.

In This Section

Viewing Keywords

Keyword Status

Creating a Keyword

Keyword Tips

See Also

Txt Service

How does a Txt Service work?

Service Types

Viewing a Txt Service

Creating a Txt Service


Txt Replies

Response Actions

Publishing a Txt Service


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